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We are deeply rooted in the industry.

Digitalisation is progressing at an ever-faster pace and so is cybercrime. New threats must be controlled through new laws and guidelines. The management of information security, data protection and emergency plans can only be carried out reliably and effectively with extremely adaptable specialised software. That is why the pioneers of today’s HiScout GRC Suite teamed up with security and IT management consultants to design a software that makes it easier for organisations to protect themselves against such attacks and comply with legal requirements.

HiScout: Ein starker Partner
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We are a strong partner.

Our company, HiScout GmbH, was founded in Berlin in 2009 as a fully owned subsidiary of HiSolutions AG, a consultancy firm for IT governance, risk and compliance. We were quickly able to acquire a high-quality customer base with our innovative product, which can be flexibly customised according to our customer’s needs. We are delighted that we are now a leading provider of GRC software to federal and state authorities as well as large companies in the private sector. 100% of the development and support are carried out in Germany.

HiScout Standardsoftware GRC

We offer standard software as well as individually customized solutions.

Based on our flexible Platform Technology , we have established the standard interlinked products HiScout Basic ProtectionHiScout ISMHiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM on the market. In addition, our own project team is available to our customers for a speedy and professional implementation in case further customised processes and requirement need to be mapped. You can acquire all requirements for auditing and successful certification in accordance with ISO 27001 and 22301 step-by-step, with our best practice procedures. We walk you through the implementation via webinars and training courses offered at the HiScout Academy on a regular basis.

We work together with our customers.

  1. Trust

    HiScout employees have an excellent network in the industry and can easily identify your concerns and needs first-hand. We receive the latest impulses from practice and technical regulations at a very early stage, thanks to the continuous professional exchange with our parent company.

    • We not only advise you on the advantages of the HiScout software, but also carefully explain the limits of what is actually technically feasible. This enables us to lay the foundation for a long-term collaboration.
  2. Quality

    HiScout products and customised developments are designed by diverse technical expert teams and software developers.

    • We ensure that product development takes place in short cycles and is flexibly adapted to new customer and market requirements, using agile software development methods.
  3. Exchange

    In our webinars, user groups and stakeholder forums, we discuss current software releases, research results and the time-lines for further development with our users and external experts.

    • You have a direct influence on the further development of the HiScout GRC Software, and receive practical products with high added value.
  4. Service

    The HiScout Support team works straight from our Berlin location and has direct access to the product team’s technical experts to solve complex questions.

    • Your support cases are recorded and documented in a professional ticketing system so that we can inform you of the current processing status at all times.

Good news about our customers

Verwaltungsgebäude Dataport
Bilderservice Altenholz

HiScout wins Dataport tender for GRC software.

IT-service provider of six German federal states awards HiScout the contract for a complete GRC solution for basic protection, data protection and BCM..

Gebäudeansicht des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums der Finanzen und für Heimat
Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen und für Heimat

Free State of Bavaria adds data protection to GRC software

Sixteen data protection officers from Bavaria have tested the functionality of the HiScout Data Protection module rigorously and were fully satisfied with the results.

Gebäudeansicht der Landesoberbehörde IT Baden-Württemberg (BITBW)
Landesoberbehörde IT Baden-Württemberg (BITBW)

Framework contract with Baden-Württemberg state administration

The higher IT Baden-Württemberg state authority (BITBW) wants to launch GRC Software at all Baden-Württemberg’s state authority locations.

HiScout Mitarbeiter am Telefon, um über GRC Tools, BCM, ISMS, Grundschutz und Co. zu sprechen
Friends Stock – stock.adobe.com

Would you like to know more about HiScout?

We are looking forward to speaking with you!

+49 (30) 33 00 888-0


We work in autonomous teams

Our employees are organised in agile teams that share responsibility for their work and make their independent decisions. We are extremely pleased that the open and respectful interaction amongst each other is viewed as an extremely positive aspect in internal opinion polls. It is important for us to treat all our employees equally and to support them in balancing family responsibilities and professional duties. We value bringing together the fresh ideas of young employees with the foresighted experience of older colleagues.

We are shaping the future of the industry

We are a member of the Allianz für Cybersicherheit, bitkom, Digital Hub Cyber Security and Bundesverband für IT-Sicherheit e.V. (TeleTrust). We contribute towards solving current problems and shaping legal regulations through our practical experience and specialised technological expertise. We set a high technical standard for the industry in terms of flexibility of data model, the user interface and client technology. We are happy to contribute to the discussion of current specialist topics – with our articles in the expert press or in personal discussions at trade fairs and congresses.

We are committed to environmental and social issues

In our daily work, our prime focus lays in the success of our work and that of our customers. However, we do not want to lose sight of our environmental responsibility while executing our professional activities. Protecting the environment and supporting socially disadvantaged children are matters which are extremely close to our heart. We want to provide a better future to socially disadvantaged children through our two sponsorships at Plan International. Saving resources and CO² play an important role in our individual and business decision-making.

What drives us

We contribute towards better management of digitalisation risks for our society and the economy.

Protection and Security

How we work

Who wants to help shape the success of a growing and agile company and accomplish these goals together with us?

Jobs for Life

We’re here for you.

Would you like to know more about HiScout or get in touch with us? Send us your enquiry, we look forward to talking to you!

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