HiScout Platform
Generic basis for the HiScout GRC software
All modules of the Integrated Management System are based on the generic components of the HiScout platform. These can be configured by technical experts, without programming skills. They can be adapted quickly, flexibly and efficiently for a wide range of use-cases, thanks to advanced low-code technology. This is one of the essential prerequisites for investment security and long-term use, as even the currently unknown future requirements can be implemented later. The HiScout GRC Software for Governance, Risk & Compliance is a browser-based multi-user application, which does not require any installation on the client-side. 100% of the development and support are carried out in Germany.

System Environment
IT managers can find out all about the system requirements for the HiScout GRC Suite here.
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A common software for different management systems – saves time and effort.
Work more efficientlyOpen Object-Oriented Data Model
Using the integrated configuration interface, you can randomly modify and expand necessary resources such as assets, documents, data and services, as well as their links to the business processes at any time, without having to change a single line of programme code. Your organisation can react quickly to new internal and external requirements, e.g. due to legal changes.
Flexible User Interfaces
The unique interface technology of the HiScout GUI:do allows you to add new fields for displaying and recording information to the user interfaces at all times without any programming skills whatsoever, and make them available to users, e.g. as new attributes or data from third-party systems.
Role-based entry pages in the HiScout modules provide a simple, intuitive, and use-case-specific access to the HiScout GRC Suite.
Common Database for all Management Systems
Data collection- and maintenance can be carried out for all GRC software topics in a single step. This not only applies to IT systems, applications, persons and processes, but also to protection requirement assessments, risk analyses and action planning. The redundancy-free and common use of the organisational master data across the HiScout Basic Protection, HiScout ISM, HiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM HiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM management systems saves time and contributes towards the standardisation of processes.
Proven Client Management
HiScout offers various approaches for the secure administration of branched client structures – ranging from completely separate systems, to systems with shared master data – to a separation which is purely role and rights based, so that all possible constellations which might occur can be mapped reliably. You can control data access in a targeted manner with a sophisticated and configurable authorisation that can be configured differentially. HiScout Client Management is used successfully in organisations with three-digit sub-units.
Platform Add-Ons for Individual Requirements
Depending on the module purchased, the standard scope of delivery includes preconfigured questionnaires, reports and workflows. The add-on licenses can be used to meet the special needs of your organisation, and the implementation of individual database connections can be realised. The HiScout add-ons can be used in all purchased modules.
HiScout Questionnaire
Freely-Configurable Questionnaires for Decentralised Data Collection
HiScout Questionnaire allows you to create digital questionnaire templates and automatically send them to internal and external expert contacts. You can read the validated results into the HiScout database. The process is suitable for initial data collection as well as for regular data maintenance. Typical use cases include: compliance processes with IT Basic Protection and Data Protection, as well as protection requirement assessments, Business Impact Analysis and general surveys, in order to increase awareness and opinion-formation.
Data CollectionHiScout Business Logic Engine
Automation of Complex Processes with Freely Configurable Workflows
HiScout Business Logic Engine is a tool for individually standardising and automating the processes of your management systems. Simple application examples include: creating follow-ups, automated data check and the automatic generation and distribution of documents depending on their status. Even complex multi-step processes such as a Security Incident Management, the seamless processing of complaints, or the automation of crisis management team exercises can also be mapped.
AutomationHiScout DocGen
Fully Automated Generation of Customised Documents and Reports
HiScout DocGen is a fully comprehensive dynamic reporting system for the data maintained in HiScout. The most important reports are already included in the standard scope of the respective GRC modules and can be customised according to your own corporate design and data model, using HiScout DocGen. However, you can also create completely new, customised reports. These can be generated into documents or can be embedded into HiScout in HTML format for live reporting, e.g. as a management cockpit.
ReportingHiScout DataExchange
Connection to Third Party Systems via Generic Interfaces
HiScout DataExchange is an import- and export interface for connecting third party systems. It is based on XML. The data structures to be imported or exported are configured via drag & drop and are read-in and out via automated routines. Data, which does not correspond to the configured data format can automatically be converted before being imported or exported via transformation (via XSLT). The distribution of generic content, such as the norm requirements of the management systems, is also an application scope.
Platform InterfacesFurther Highlights of the HiScout Platform
- Multilinguality – The standard delivery is in German and English, with the option of adding further customer-specific languages.
- Document Management System – Audit-proof management of rules and regulations, audit documents and reports with historization, versioning and release processes. A full-text search of all documents finds the desired document safely and reliably.
- Content Management System – Integrated CMS for providing information on all GRC topics within your organisation comfortably. You can directly refer to the relevant contents and documents in the HiScout database.
- Replication of an Emergency System – Provision of a running standalone system replicated with the current data, e.g. on an emergency notebook. HiScout is thus mobile in case of a crisis and accompanies you to your alternative location.
- Professionally Customised Development via Plugins – The experienced HiScout project team is at your disposal to extend the standard scope with additional functionalities especially tailor-made for your company. The implementation is realised via plug-ins that seamlessly integrate into the HiScout tools.
Accessibility – Inclusive Use for Everyone
The HiScout GRC Suite focuses on a user-friendly and accessible design to ensure optimal usability for all users, regardless of individual limitations.
- Compliance with WCAG & BITV: The user interface meets the guidelines of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the German Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV).
- Customizable Display: Scalable view, appropriate contrasts, and support for screen readers.
- Keyboard Navigation: Full software usability without a mouse, ideal for users with motor impairments.
- Clear Structures, Comprehensible Language, and Distinct Symbols: Intuitive navigation and easily understandable content for improved usability.