HiScout Synergies
A common data pool for Basic Protection, Data Protection and Emergency Management
HiScout Basic Protection, HiScout ISM, HiScout Data Protection and HiScout BCM management systems are based on the common data model and database of the HiScout Platform. Therefore, data collection and data maintenance for all GRC topics can be carried out in a single step – including for IT systems as well as for applications, people and processes; protection requirement assessments, risk analyses and action planning. This saves duplication of work, reduces data redundancies and contributes to the standardisation of processes.

How to save time and money by utilising synergies
Set-Up and Infrastructure
Administer all management systems in one instance, save the effort of maintaining duplicate infrastructures and upgrade all HiScout modules in the clients as required. The central set-up of authorisations and clients minimises the effort required for each module.
Uniform Look & Feel
All management systems use the same user interfaces and operating tools, for example they use the HiScout Questionnaire to facilitate data collection, or the HiScout DocGen for customised evaluations and reports. Security and IT managers who work across different topics can find their way around new modules immediately and do not have to constantly switch between different systems in their day-to-day work.
Data Collection and Structural Analysis
The data collected or imported in one module can continuously be used, customised and added to other modules. HiScout Questionnaire simplifies data collection immensely, so that people who only rarely contribute to data collection do not need to be trained in operating HiScout.
Connection of Third-Party Systems
When introducing the HiScout GRC Suite , the interfaces for using existing databases only need to be set up once – or all management systems can access the HiScout Platform’s shared database directly.
Protection Requirement Assessments
While creating the processing activities registry (VVT), data protection takes great care to record which personal data is processed by which applications. You can continue to use this information when determining protection requirement assessments in other HiScout modules.
Action Planning
Actions planned or implemented in a management system are also displayed transparently in the other HiScout modules, so that no double administration is necessary.
Risk Analysis
Use the threats, risk classifications and risk treatments recorded in a HiScout module for the risk management of other modules; for example, HiScout Data Protection benefits from the detailed risk registers of the HiScout Basic Protection and HiScout BCM.
Business Impact Analysis
The maximum period of disruption of business-critical processes determined in the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) can be directly passed on to the IT systems and applications required to maintain them in the common data model.
Audit Management
Measures required for auditing can be coordinated and harmonised across various GRC topics. Closer communication between both – the management systems themselves and the people involved, increases the level of interdisciplinary maturity.
Expert article on the utilisation of synergies in software procurement. (in german)
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